There are no active watches, warnings or advisories for Abbotsford, BC.

Weather Cam Short Range Planner
Current Webcam Image
A mix of sun and cloud
Max: 17°C
Saturday night
Partly cloudy
Min: 9°C
Mainly sunny
Max: 19°C
Detailed Forecast
Updated: @ 05/10/2024 5:30am - next update at 12:00am  
Summary / Temperature Wind Rain / Dew / Snow Melt* Snow
Nighttime, No Active Weather, partly cloudy Nighttime, No Active Weather, partly cloudy
Currently 8.8, Max: 10.4, Min: 8.8 8.8°C
Colder 0.7°C than last hour.


Humidex: 9°C

24-hr difference
-1.9°CColder 1.9°C than yesterday at this time.
  Today Yesterday
High: 10.4°C
Low: 8.8°C
 Calm NW
0 km/h
8.4 km/h
0 Bft - Calm
Max: 9.3 km/h at 2:54am
Wind Run: 0.31 km
Today: 0 mm
Last 24 Hrs: 13.7 mm
Yesterday: 13.7 mm
Month: 16.5 mm
Year: 1205.7 mm
2 rain days in Oct.
97 rain days this year.
Yesterday: 0 cm
Month: 0 cm
Season: 0 cm
Current Depth: 0 cm
Snow Level: 939 m
0 snow days this month.
0 snow days this season.
Humidity & Barometer Almanac Moon
Humidity: 89% Increased 1.0% since last hour.
Dew Point: 7.1°C Decreased 0.5°C since last hour.
Barometer: 1024.6 hPa Rising 0.6 °C/hr
Baro Trend: Rising slowly
Sunrise: 7:17am
Sunset: 6:42pm
Moonrise: 10:34am
Moonset: 7:03pm
Waxing Crescent
Waxing Crescent, Moon at 2 days in cycle
UV Index Solar Radiation
   0.0    None
High: 0.0 @ 12:00am
0 W/m2 (0 %)
High: 0 @  12:00am